I wanted to share with you a Teddy Bear I made and gave as a Christmas present.
With a little knit here and a little purl there and WA-LA 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 ears, 1 snout, and a great big body.
Can you see it all now?
I sewed all the pieces together and this is what I got. 
Henry had a new friend. You can see how long it is in comparison to Henry.

I couldn't leave well enough alone, right? So I put him in the washing machine.
He was knit with wool yarn, so when you wash wool in HOT water it shrinks and turns into felt. The fur yarn doesn't shrink it just gets fuzzy.
He's starting to felt and get smaller and more dense. But in he goes for some more hot water and agitation........
This is the New Teddy with eyes and stuffing. I put little plastic pellets in with his stuffing to give him some weight and squishy-ness.
This is Teddy BEFORE his spa bath.
Here is Teddy AFTER his spa bath
Can you tell how much he shrunk?
Now he needs a collar and some sparkle.
He is all dressed and ready for his new owner.
Evie named him "Bling" and she just loves him.
I enjoy knitting these Bears. Some are small and some are big. It all depends on the needle size. I was playing around with my pattern and different size needles, with no fur and this is who I got.
It's Piglet.
I did some needle felting and gave him a shirt and some pink ears.
He felted quite a bit. Sorry no before pictures.
Here is another Bear I knitted awhile ago.
I have more yarn to make another one Who wants one? :)