
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Check this off my list!

I spent the day checking projects off my (imaginary) list. I have had this project travel around my studio,It has gone in Marge , back home again. All I needed to do was a few more stitchings on it and it was done. I hate that I procrastinate and then it only takes me 5 minutes.
I designed it, cut it out and stitched it probably in a weekend or 2 back in October '08. Like I said it was almost done.
This is what I finished up yesterday.

Isn't he cute. It is made out of wool felt and every piece is stitched on by hand with embroidery floss. It measures out 12"x12". But there is still a catch........It doesn't have a back nor a binding. I don't really have a place to hang it so how do I " finish" it off? So here we go again.......... It will travel from one surface to another in my house until it has a home or I hate it so much it ends up at Goodwill. .

I love working with wool and hand stitching. I bought this cute bird pattern from Betz White Etsy store. So I have been making birds. I made one for my sister, Carie. She was going to be traveling to see a friend and she HATES to fly. I thought this little bird will keep her safe on her travels.
The eyes are glittery buttons and my camera wouldn't catch that. A long time ago I use to make knitting bags out of wool sweaters (before everyone else did) and this was one of them. I cut it up again and made it into a bird. Wa-La. I stuffed it with Polyfil and plastic pellets to give it some weight.
I wanted to make more so I cut up another wool bag. (yes they are ALL over my house).

I went to GW and bought a couple more sweaters. I couldn't believe I was doing that again, (buying wool sweaters). Now you can't find them. I went to my favorite Goodwill that everything is in great big huge rolling bins. Nothing is sorted or on hangers, you have to dig for it. Like Dumpster diving. God I love that place. I wear my cute little pink gloves and roll up my sleeves and go for it. It is not for everyone that is for sure. (PU!) But I have found the greatest deals in that mess that's for sure! Any way .......... I found 3 wool sweaters the other day. Either everyone is cold or other people are making things out of wool all of sudden. I would come home with huge bags of sweaters before. I use to have a friend that would have a Mountain of Sweaters in her studio all the time. We would jump on them and ooooh and aaaaah over how they were going to felt... Oh those were the days.
So I came home and threw them into the hot water and started felting away.
My white one came out looking like this.
I washed it with a green Lambs wool sweater. OOPS!
I had some shaving to do. This is an Angora sweater by the way.

So with a Buzz Buzz here and a snip snip there.
I got a Birdie
When I had my surgery I cut out all those hearts for another project, It was my "therapy".
I stitched the small hearts onto the large ones yesterday and now I'm using them for wings.
I turned on some great Independent films on my MAC and watched movies and stitched away. Luvin' my Netflix.

This little white bird is so soft.

I have another old sweater bag that is becoming a bird right now in my studio.
Next I will show pictures of my studio. Stay tuned for that.
Peep Peep

Sunday, January 10, 2010

1st Voyage of the Year

I decided it was time to take Marge out again. It has been since September, I think was the last time I took her for a spin. This would be the 1st time I have taken her out since my shoulder surgery.
So I gathered up my boots and jacket and LOTS of knitting projects. I brought along my trusty companions, I couldn't leave them home.
This is Joey. He enjoys taking trips in Marge. The travel part spooks him but once we land he is a "Happy Camper".
Then here is Henry......
Henry is going bonkers because all around us are Bunny Rabbits. We go for a walk and he wants to hunt rabbits. With all the training I do you can't take the "Ratter" out of a terrier.
We rolled in along the Oregon Coast, Pacific City on Friday and it poured down rain the entire drive and through out the night. When I woke up Saturday it was mild and wonderful. So out to beach we went.

I would die if I went up the sand dune, But I did go up and down this one several times to get my blood moving.

Henry did his fair share of excercise...... That is one Happy Puppy.

King of the Beach!

He is my little poser. I just can't get enough of how cute he is.
Then it was time to go back put on a movie or listen to some podcasts and start on some knitting. So I pulled out some socks that I had started along time ago for my Brother Jim. I am determined to finish these!
almost done
This is what the kids did while I knitted.
We folded down the table and made it into a bed got out all our pillows and squishy blankets and snuggled up and watched a movie.
If you have not seen "Once" it is a MUST see. I watched it twice. Loved it.

Well, today we must pull out and head home. Just one more cup of coffee and then I will break"Camp".

I love camping when you can use the internet. That is my kind of Camping.......
Time to go..........

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Making some New Dapper Duds

Making these dog collars have been a great learning experience. I bid on 60 Vintage men's ties on Ebay. My bid was low but the shipping costs were out of this world. When I received them they were so YUKKY!!! I got someones Vintage coodies too. I kept 5 and washed the heck out of them. I trashed the rest of them. The seller did give me my money back and told me to just keep them. That was nice I guess. It was the least she could do.
This is after I went through them at the washing machine. I threw some in the wash to see if they would come clean.
I kept 5 out of 60+.

It's ok though cause this is what my studio looks like.

Monte is excited to get his new Dapper Duds.

Here are some in the pressing stage.

Everyone has to get a piece of the action.
Joey didn't want them to fall out of the suitcase so this is his effort to help. I can never turn down a helping paw.

I have some new ones on my Esty store. Come on over and check it out.
Here are some new ones.

Thanks for looking.



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