So this is what I decided to do today.............. YES finally paint the $5.00 chandelier.
I have been doing some research to find out how much it is really worth. I found out it's worth about $500. The lady at Schonbeck said, " Would you love it more if it were black?" YES, I said "So paint it and enjoy it. You won't enjoy it in a box." Thank You that is what I wanted to hear. So this is what it looks like before and when it is naked........
I made a paint booth in my garage and took the chandelier apart. I started to shake and shake those spray cans. I had drop clothes in a shape of a U and one on the floor and I put a face mask on ..... Look what I forgot tho cover..... 
It wasn't a paint booth is was a Tanning bed .
Here comes the BLING BLING! With patience and excitement (cause I still haven't seen what has been wrapped in tissue yet). I had directions thank goodness and whom ever owned it before was very nice to label all the pieces for ME. Wasn't that nice of them?
So this is how it turned out. It's still hanging in my garage cause I have to rewire it
She is going to be quite the beauty in my Master Bedroom. I get such a chuckle out of this big Garish, crystal dripping, over the top light fixture for a bedroom.
All for $5.00 plus 2 cans of spray paint.
I hope I can get it hung before my surgery, so I can lay in bed and look at it :) Time to chill out that sucker is heavy and I did way too much on the shoulder today.
I will post pictures of her when she is hanging in all her Glory.
Wow! I think I like it better black! Good job!