
Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Glass is Full

I woke up the other  morning excited for the day. A few weeks ago I decided to post a notice in my condo community for a "Knit Night". Opening my home to knitters...... or any small lap project are welcome ...or just come and enjoy the company and wine of course.

Some of us in the neighborhood own dogs and are out for walks,  so we run in to each other at the local Pee bush . Some Most of the other neighbors don't get out much. Beside the daily job...... So I thought this would be a great way to meet some new people and form new relationships.

I buzzed around the house and set some eye candy out .......
This is a planter that now houses some adorable fuzzy, soft, colorful yarns in the center of the table.
This worked out great since I was having to teach some new knitters how to knit. So I just grabbed a ball of yarn and some needles and away we went. 

I also like to collect knitting needles anytime I find them at Goodwill. 

They come in so many different colors. The tin vase I got at my Thrift shop for 25 cents and I didn't have to do anything to it. 

Knitters need some fun little do dads like stitch counters, stitch markers, an occasional crochet hook for dropped stitches, a measuring tape, darning needles, scissors ......... you get the idea. 
Here they are in a Candy dish. (Thrift store for $1.00)

Now I don't have to leave the party and dig in my studio for these needed supplies. 
I wanted some books out for this fun event so I grabbed a few and put those on the table too.

So this is what my table looked like when I stood back to see how I did. 
I was happy with how is looks and my "cup" is filling with joy every step of the way.

I was really excited for the night to begin but I had some shopping to do first.
I went to the Market to buy some wine and goodies. This is my 1st time to walk into the grocery store with a smile on my face. I walked by this lady with a pep in my step and I complimented her on her adorable shoes. She was taken aback that someone said something nice to her. It just filled my "cup" with more happiness. Then I bumped into her at the coffee grounding machine, she needed some help on how to grind her coffee. I stood and talked with her for about 20 minutes. She was adorable,  I walked away from that experience with the biggest smile on my face and my "cup" was over flowing.
Could this day get any better?
Now I am really excited for the night to begin.....
I light some candles (clean the stinky cat box) turn on the fireplace, Music is on.  
I am Ready to go! :)
7:00 comes around and my house is full of woman  of all ages.  20 something to 82 years of young. 
Some didn't know how to knit  some did some did some bead work at the table, some just got inspired. 

We all giggled like little girls and had so much fun. 
So if you are in the area on a Wednesday night come and join in on this fun. Your "cup" will be over flowing in no time with love and joy and some new friendships. 
Each week since, has brought together some new friends and some now "regulars. 

Happy Knitting

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about creating "community" with our women friends! Thank you for sharing!



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