
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday Thrift Store Day


I know I know, Today is Tuesday not Thursday. If I could, I would be at my Thrift Store on Thursday but since it's Thanksgiving I decided to go today. I needed some Junk Therapy. I had seen a sewing desk a couple of weeks ago and I didn't buy it then. I Know I should have gotten it then, I could have played Damsel in Distress. Someone would have put it in my car for me. I was hoping it was still going to be there, but NO it was gone. It wasn't ment to be. Ok move on........I only found a few things it was just the right amount ;) . I only spent $6.50. Wanna see what I got?

Henry wanted to see what I got too

I love nutcrackers. I have a collection of them so I got these to add to the rest of the Cracker family, $1.00 for all of them. I am also crazy for these great jars I couldn't resist $1.00 for that too. I got the whole jug of clothes pins for a Buck, Whoo Hoo.

See the Stars they are candle holders that hang on the wall. I wont use them that way, I'm not sure how I will use them. But for another dollar, what the heck throw them in. Pedestal, Un Dolla too. See the Black Scrolly thingy in the back ground? I think it's for newspapers but I didn't use it that way. See below how I used it.

Only a $1.50 for that..... So I think that is up to $6.50.

I put my shoes in it. This is my small entry way. That chair I have had for a long time and I painted it Moons ago. The little chest of drawers has Henry's clothes in it and my mittens.

I will get my christmas stuff out after Thanksgiving and then All the nutcrackers will come out to play. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I am Thankful for "my" Thrift Store.


Saturday, November 21, 2009


Ok for all you " So You Think You Can Dance" fans. I went and saw there performance last night here in Portland. OMG the Talent
I was just in AHHH over how much they have all grown in their talent
I believe that Evan has grown the most. I really was able to appreciate his strength and Talent.
(Randi and Evan)

BUT......Get a load of this BODY!

Brandon is Amazing!!!

This is Evan, Brandon and Ade.

Do you remember this routing with Brandon and Janette it was really good too.

I really had a great time and wanted to share with you all.
I think Ade was checking to see if his fly was zipped up. Fast costume change...

Great time had by all.

See ya

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stormy weather

What would you do if it is STORMY outside. The wind is swirling those last few Fall leaves, around and around and around. The windows are rattling, rain is coming down sideways. "Ooohh what was that loud noise?" (ears all perked up) Did a tree fall? It's sooooo spooky outside. No Worries I am so glad we don't have to be out there. We are all comfy inside under blankets with the fireplace on. This is Monte, he is usually a very busy body and wants to play with toys. Tonight he is under the quilt and content. I had a lap full of fur babies.
Monte is my 1/2 son.( My neighbors dog but he lives with me 2 weeks out of the month) and my cat Joey
And in the other corner is Henry my miniature schnauzer
I think we will all snuggle and have sweet dreams. You do the same.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thrifty Decor Chick: Fantastic vinyl giveaway!

Thrifty Decor Chick: Fantastic vinyl giveaway!

I Made it with what I had.

Today I worked on a project that kind of pushed the "envelope". I am only 6 weeks out from having a pretty major shoulder surgery. Today was the 1st day back with a spray can. So I started my day off with my new coffee mug full of Java.


While I was in the first few weeks of recovery I bought some new threads from Connecting Threads. I was SO excited to receive a package with so many colors.
I am easily thrilled with just a bit of color in my life. While laying in my Bark-o-lounger I was thinking about how to label them. I got some clear plastic that you use for table clothes. It sticks to itself so my thread wont unravel. I cut 2X4 inch strips and wrapped each spool of thread. Then took my label maker and printed all the names of the colors. It was a way to be creative, and do something with my left hand Look at all the fun colors...... . Now that they are all labeled "How will I store them?" Again spending a lot of time in a Bark-o-Lounger, can pay off. I remembered that I had gotten these spice racks at a garage sale this summer. I didn't really know what I was going to do with them until BING the light bulb went on. I couldn't leave it like this though. So with a little shake rattle and roll this is what it looks like now. Yes I have 2 of them but I only ended up using 1 for now. But wait, wait,wait hold your horses. You have to see what it looks like all loaded up

It's Eye Candy
I don't have it hung up yet. I will have to wait until I have help or for the shoulder to get mo betta.
It was fun to do this today but now it is time to ice the shoulda....
Since I was at my sisters during all this brain storming we went to her thrift store to get her a spice rack. You can see hers all done and hung up in her studio HERE
I hope you enjoyed my eye candy. Happy Sunday

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Blog Party

The idea for this party is to make something with what you have already. I have plenty of projects to do and I have put it off. Tomorrow I better get busy. Thank you Cottage Instincts for the inspiration. I will see what I can do.
I will post tomorrow that is the dead line.
Night Night, gotta start Junk dreamin'

Thursday, November 12, 2009

WOW time flies.....

It's been awhile again. This time it's because I had shoulder surgery on my right side. Yes I am right handed. The recovery has been slow but I'm doing better every day.
I wanted to share with you that I have opened a Etsy shop!!!
YIPPY I finally stopped procrastinating and did the big plunge. ( whew) So far so good.
This is how you can find it click HERE. I hope that worked (my fingers are crossed)
I have been making Dog Collars from men's neck ties. Say What? you ask. Well you got to go check it out. If you have never heard of it is an online store to sell Handmade items.
These are some of what I have done
I have more to come so keep checking back to see what's new.
Thank you for looking in


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