What would you do if it is STORMY outside. The wind is swirling those last few Fall leaves, around and around and around. The windows are rattling, rain is coming down sideways. "Ooohh what was that loud noise?" (ears all perked up) Did a tree fall? It's sooooo spooky outside. No Worries
I am so glad we don't have to be out there. We are all comfy inside under blankets with the fireplace on. This is Monte, he is usually a very busy body and wants to play with toys. Tonight he is under the quilt and content. I had a lap full of fur babies.
Monte is my 1/2 son.( My neighbors dog but he lives with me 2 weeks out of the month) and my cat Joey

And in the other corner is Henry my miniature schnauzer

I think we will all snuggle and have sweet dreams. You do the same.

Thanks for stopping by. I used to live in Vancouver, WA. I have a great friend who lives in Beaverton we used to go visit all the time.