I know I know, Today is Tuesday not Thursday. If I could, I would be at my Thrift Store on Thursday but since it's Thanksgiving I decided to go today. I needed some Junk Therapy. I had seen a sewing desk a couple of weeks ago and I didn't buy it then. I Know I should have gotten it then, I could have played Damsel in Distress. Someone would have put it in my car for me. I was hoping it was still going to be there, but NO it was gone. It wasn't ment to be. Ok move on........I only found a few things it was just the right amount ;) . I only spent $6.50. Wanna see what I got?
Henry wanted to see what I got too
I love nutcrackers. I have a collection of them so I got these to add to the rest of the Cracker family, $1.00 for all of them. I am also crazy for these great jars I couldn't resist $1.00 for that too. I got the whole jug of clothes pins for a Buck, Whoo Hoo.
See the Stars they are candle holders that hang on the wall. I wont use them that way, I'm not sure how I will use them. But for another dollar, what the heck throw them in. Pedestal, Un Dolla too. See the Black Scrolly thingy in the back ground? I think it's for newspapers but I didn't use it that way. See below how I used it.
Only a $1.50 for that..... So I think that is up to $6.50.
I put my shoes in it.
This is my small entry way. That chair I have had for a long time and I painted it Moons ago. The little chest of drawers has Henry's clothes in it and my mittens.
I will get my christmas stuff out after Thanksgiving and then All the nutcrackers will come out to play. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I am Thankful for "my" Thrift Store.
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